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Thursday, 18 February 2010

Wrap-up conference “Looking into the future: goals and resources of basic vocational education development in Tajikistan”

On 19 November 2009, the conference-hall of “Tajikistan” Hotel in Dushanbe hosted the wrap-up conference on the dvv international project “Support to Vocational Education in Tajikistan – Stage 2” funded by the European Union “Looking into the future: goals and resources of basic vocational education development in Tajikistan – Stage 2”. 120 persons participated in the conference. The conference participants included representatives of institutions interested in basic vocational education development in Tajikistan – representatives of employers, ministries and agencies of Tajikistan, Executive office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, international organizations and projects. Also, the conference participants were representatives of the Ministry of Education, the Republican Educational-Methodological Center, Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of the Academy of Education of Tajikistan, pilot basic vocational education institutions, and departments of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan. Special importance of this event was emphasized by participation of Ms. Charlotte Adriaen, Chargé d'Affaires to the Delegation of the European Commission to Tajikistan, Ms. Doris Hertrampf, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Tajikistan, Mr. Trevor Charles Moore, Ambassador of Great Britain to Tajikistan, Mr. Roland Schwartz, Director of dvv international, and Mr. Uwe Gartenschlaeger, Deputy Director of dvv international.

In his speech, Mr. A. Rakhmonov, Minister of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan, noted that the Ministry of Education highly appreciated and approved the activities of the dvv international’s project “Support to Vocational Education in Tajikistan – Stage 2” funded by the European Union. He also mentioned the key areas for development of basic vocational education in Tajikistan, the role of the European Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and Great Britain, as well as international organizations supporting education reforms in Tajikistan. 

Important aspects of basic vocational education development in Tajikistan were presented in the speech “Goals and resources of basic vocational education development in Tajikistan” by F.K. Rakhimov, First Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan. His report informed the audience on the current status of the basic vocational education system and the key areas of its development. An essential role was assigned to development of basic vocational education institutions’ initiatives and promotion of social partnership at regional, national, and local levels. 

Presentation by A. Jakobsone, Project Leader, “Key project results and vectors of the long-term basic vocational education development in Tajikistan” highlighted priority areas of basic vocational education development. They are strengthening of basic vocational education with qualified personnel, closer cooperation of educational institutions with employers, improvement of physical infrastructure and educational-methodological bases in this area. Introduction of module training programs developed under the project into the system and strengthening of institutions supporting the basic vocational education – Republican Educational-Methodological Center and the Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of the Academy of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan are essential as well.    

The conference participants were given the key conclusions and recommendations based on results of the analysis of the basic vocational education institutions management network carried out by local experts F. Saidov and V. Niyatbekov. The need to revisit the personnel training structure with regards to labor market requirements in Tajikistan, to change the financing format of basic vocational education institutions, and to optimize the network of those institutions was mentioned.  

Mr. Abdukadirov, Director of pilot technical vocational school №31 in Khujand, made the report “Education quality improvement: uniting local and international resources”. Using the experience of interacting with social partners gained under the project, he informed the audience on the experience of organizing practical training at LLC “Muin”. Also, he noted that this activity made use of practical training modules developed under the project of dvv international

Presentation by Mr. Tyuryaev, Director of the Association of Scientific and Technical Intelligentsia of Tajikistan “Opportunities to develop adult education approaches in the basic vocational education system in Tajikistan” analyzed options to introduce adult education at existing basic vocational education institutions, which are available in Tajikistan and used by social organizations. Moreover, information on using those options under the project “PATENT” being implemented in cooperation with dvv international was provided. 

We consider interesting the discussions that accompanied the conference participants’ activities at the panel discussion “Cooperation as a resource in basic vocational education development”. Representatives of educational institutions could directly communicate with employers and hear from them their requirements to graduates of basic vocational education institutions. 

To discuss the key issues raised during the program report by F. K. Rakhimov, three groups were organized: group 1 – Improving quality of practical training: problems and solutions; group 2 – Development and implementation of module training programs: first experience and next steps; and group 3 – Strengthening of social partnership in basic vocational education and training at national, regional, and local levels. The conference participants in smaller groups discussed their achievements and problems pertaining to the above issues.  

The conference participants adopted the resolution specifying the problems faced by the basic vocational education system in Tajikistan and providing the key recommendations for this sector development in the country. 

As handouts, the conference participants were given module training programs, Guidelines for active training methods “Be. Know. Can.”, “Guidelines for development and introduction of module training programs in Tajikistan”, CD with documents of international projects on basic vocational education (2004-2009), a collection of information materials on the basic vocational education system including a catalog of basic vocational education institutions, video “Be. Know. Can.” and other materials. 

During the event, a press conference chaired by Mr. A. Rakhmonov was organized for mass media professionals. Ms. Charlotte Adriaen, Chargé d'Affaires to the Delegation of the European Commission to Tajikistan, Mr. F.K. Rakhimov, First Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan, and Mr. M. Shodiev, Head of the Department for basic and secondary vocational education of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan, gave speeches at the press conference.

Farkhod Sadykov,
Deputy Group Leader 
Project “Support to Vocational Education in Tajikistan – Stage 2” 

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