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Thursday, 18 February 2010

Virtual exhibition under the project “A-MUSE-ALL”

In the previous issues of our newsletter we have already informed you on the start of the new project with a charming brief title “A-MUSE-ALL“ under the European Commission program “Investing in People: Access to Local Culture, Protection and Promotion of Cultural Diversity”. The full project title uncovers its essence: “Beyond Boredom, Dust and Decay – Museums as Life Long Learning Spaces for Intercultural Dialogue”. This project is implemented in Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Russian Federation and is designed to last for 30 months. The project is funded by the European Commission and the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The overall project budget is 550,000 euros. On behalf of the European Union, the project is implemented by the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (dvv international) and eight partner organizations from target regions. 

More information on local partners is available at the project web portal (, which is already operational, but is still being updated with information on the project activities.

Currently, the works are being finalized to prepare and carry out the virtual exhibition “Daily Life in the Art” at this portal. Local partners from all the countries involved in the project are taking part in preparation of the exhibition. 

The goal of the exhibition is in line with the overall project goal and, on the one hand, is to show cultural differences among the countries participating in the project, and on the other, to demonstrate common values being the basis for the intercultural dialog. They include universal and democratic values, everything that makes it possible to fruitfully develop the ideas of lifelong learning in the museum space. As mentioned above, the exhibition will be placed on the project portal, and materials of the exhibition will be used in presentations of the project in European countries.   

The exhibition will include a collection of photos in the following areas: 

• works of art by contemporary authors; 
• daily life pieces;
• elements of traditional culture of everyday life; 
• photos of people “in the interior of everyday life values”.
Photos can be based on collections of museums and culture institutions participating in the project, as well as on the works already available to partners.  

Each of the four countries will present 40 pictures. The photos will be accompanied with information – list of photo titles and author’s name (in the national and English languages). 

The exhibition will be preceded by the “Introduction” aimed to inform the prospective portal visitors on the exhibition concept and provide relevant comments.  

Irina Razilova, 
Project Coordinator 
dvv international

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