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Thursday, 18 February 2010

Training and retraining of andragogists in Uzbekistan

In 2008, dvv international supported the launch of the project “Training and Retraining of Andragogists at the Institute for Advanced Teacher Training and Retraining for the Secondary Specialized Vocational Education” (Zh.N. Yakubov, Leader, and G. Burkhanova, Coordinator) in Tashkent. The first year of project implementation resulted in the pilot course under the program “Training of specialists in adult training (andragogist-practitioner)”. 

A group of 15 teachers from vocational colleges and the Training Center for training and retraining of unemployed population under Tashkent City Khokimiyat studied the scope of activities of an andragogist-practitioner and acquired practical knowledge and skills in working with adults. The training was carried out by specialists of the Institute for Advanced Teacher Training and Retraining for the Secondary Specialized Vocational Education System (IATTR SSVE), having undertaken the training “Adult training methodology”. The training was held by Russian specialists Olga Agapova and Zhanna Timoshkova. 

In 2009, the activity under this project was continued (А.А. Zakirov, Leader, and N.F. Abdunazarova, Coordinator), and the target group was representatives of departments and advanced training centers at higher educational institutions of the country who were trained at the workshop for a month. The workshop was delivered by the IATTR SSVE specialists. 

The project goals for 2009 were identified as follows: 

1. Introducing the workshop trainees to:

• the science of adult education and current trends in adult education development in the world and in Uzbekistan; 
• psychological-teaching, methodological and general cultural content required for adult training; 
• up-to-date adult education technology and techniques. 

2. Changing attitude to pedagogue’s functions – from transferring knowledge to facilitation; 
3. Selecting methods to work with adults; 
4. Training in methodology and didactics of holding workshops given the trainees’ educational needs and capabilities; 
5. Improving competence in identifying a training goal given the life and educational needs and capabilities of trainees; 
6. Training and pedagogical design given the life goals, needs and capabilities of trainees. 

The educational program and training modules for the course “Training of Andragogists-Practitioners” was developed; it was designed for teachers of higher educational institutions working in the advanced training system. Moreover, electronic training manuals were prepared. The 144-hour (36 hours – theory, 48 hours – practice, and 60 hours – individual work) educational program “Training of Andragogists-Practitioners” for teachers of higher educational institutions working in the advanced training program was pilot-tested in the year end.  

The program consists of 8 modules:

• Current trends in adult education;
• Adult education technology and characteristics; 
• Psychology of adult education; 
• Key competencies of an andragogist; 
• Methods of working with adults; 
• Methodology and didactics of workshop delivery; 
• Development of educational programs for adults; 
• Pedagogical design. 

A list of references is annexed to each module. The form of final control was defense of a project paper. All participants were given certificates at the end of the training (see picture).

Trainees highly appreciated the workshop results. Their opinions were collected using a questionnaire. The project outcomes will be used in further practical activities of the IATTR SSVE. In particular, the activities are planned to be continued in the following areas: development and publication of educational-methodological, educational-didactic materials and training manuals in Russian and Uzbek, as well as carrying out of regional training workshops for practitioners of advanced training and adult education institutions. 

Irina Razilova,  
Project Coordinator  
dvv international

Nargiza Abdunazarova,  
Project Coordinator  

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