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Thursday, 18 February 2010

Completion of the project “Non-Formal Vocational Training in Rural Areas of Kyrgyzstan”

The project “Non-Formal Vocational Training in Rural Areas of Kyrgyzstan” funded by the European Commission under the TACIS/IBPP Programme came to an end. The main applicant under this project was  the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (dvv international), which implemented this project jointly with the Kyrgyz Adult Education Association (KAEA) with the participation of 12 Adult Training Centers (ATCs) being the KAEA members, local authorities, migration and employment committees, as well as employers from several regions of Kyrgyzstan. 

The project activity was aimed at improving employment level and opportunities for income-generating activities for the unemployed and poor rural population by increasing the number of courses offered and improving access to training in multiple professional skills being in demand in the labor market.

National Conference organized in Bishkek on 15 October 2009 was the final project activity and provided an opportunity for partners from the regions covered by the project to share experience and specifics of organizing non-formal vocational education in their regions and villages. 

The conference aimed to present the project activities, its results and innovative approach to vocational training in rural areas of Kyrgyzstan. The conference initiated discussion about prospects of further development of non-formal vocational training for rural people and outlined plans for the future. Organizations-KAEA members discussed ideas for further development and introduction of project experience into long-term practices.

Levan Kvatchadze, Head of Representative Office of dvv international in Georgia, and Irina Razilova, dvv international Project Coordinator, took part in the conference. The experience of project activities in Georgia on non-formal vocational education development in the south of Georgia presented by Levan Kvatchadze aroused keen interest among the conference participants; in particular, they were interested in flexibility, creative approach, and innovativeness of non-formal vocational education development in southern Georgia.

The course graduates demonstrated handmade items produced at courses - dresses, skirts, felt goods and national clothes, and told the conference participants about their successes in training, what they had learnt and how they planned to use the acquired skills and knowledge in the future.

In addition, the conference participants watched videos about project activities in Karakol, Jalal-Abad, Osh, and Tokmok.

The project has completed, but vocational courses for rural people continue; however, now they are carried out by Adult Training Centers and supported by partners.

Nadezhda Romanenko,
Project Coordinator
Kyrgyz Adult Education Association 

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