Dear friends, colleagues, and partners!
2009 has come to its end. We would like to thank all of your for cooperation, support and being with us throughout the year!
In this issue of our newsletter we are summing up the results of the expiring year jointly with you. You can trace the whole range of activities supported by dvv international in 2009. It includes tourism which has spread from the southern region, Farish, to Nukus in the north. Also, there are courses for disabled women working from home; and the already well-known Adult Training Centers set up at colleges-partners of dvv international all over the country.
In addition, our newsletter can inform you on activities of our colleagues from Armenia, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. You can see how successful cooperation with the German Development Service (DED) serves as a good example of joining efforts to support partners’ initiatives on site.
We would like to draw your attention to yet another innovation. Last month our office launched the blog of dvv international where we are going to place all issues of our newsletter as well as other interesting information on dvv international’s activities.
We decided to blog as this type of publication has a number of advantages, namely:
• opportunity for keyword search for articles using search engines (Google, Yandex, Rambler, etc.);
• timeliness (interesting articles and announcements can be published prior to the official edition of newsletter in .pdf format);
• innovation (if you become our reader, you will be able to always get up-to-the-minute information, send the articles you like to your friends, and do a number of other things…).
Our organization blogs in two languages: English and Russian.
Thus, to sum up we can say that the year 2009 has brought both effective results and changes, which enabled us to learn something new. Let us thank each other for our work and wish all of us a successful and interesting 2010! May it be full of memorable events!
Wishing you a Happy New Year,
Team of dvv international,