Representatives of Central Asia, Russia and South Caucasus met on 23 July on the shore of Issyk Kul at recreation center “Park Hotel Le Meridien” to discuss important education-related issues at the IVth Regional Summer Academy on Adult Education. The Summer Academy on the topic “Oral History – a Source for Self Identity and National Building” was organized by the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association – dvv international. The Academy was aimed at joint training, sharing of experience and discussion of possible ways of cooperation.
The Summer Academy focused on the oral history method based on memories of eye-witnesses. Participants from 11 countries shared their experience in the course of 10-day intensive and creative work! In particular, Uzbekistan presented its unique experience under the project “History and Identity”. All areas of activity selected by our colleagues from Uzbekistan were noteworthy. Vivid and mixed emotions were stirred up by the activity to commemorate the football team “Pakhtakor-79.”
Presentations on political repressions (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Georgia) once again proved that pain, loss, tragedy and broken lives were not forgotten although several decades had passed. Even though each nation has its own history and cultural traditions, during those presentations we felt that we had much in common.
Work experience presented by participants from Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan was also very interesting. They worked on the topic “National traditions and customs”. These works focused on studying history of the native land, ties between humans, nature, and the world; much attention was given to building bridges between generations. Each presentation by participants on practical use of the oral history method raised philosophical questions asked by Aytmatov: “Who am I? Where am I from?” And they take pride in the fact that every nation has its national identity and distinctions, and we, the Summer Academy participants, strive to live in the world of unity and diversity, developing tolerance and understanding of intercultural heritage of mankind.
Competent specialists in the oral history methodology were invited to hold the Summer Academy. Leyla Neyzi from Turkey, a distinguished specialist in ethnology, provided a lot of information on using oral history in Turkey and importance of this method in formation of national identity. Vanya Ivanova from Bulgaria, a well-known expert and an open and positive person, focused on methodology of using this method. Extensive experience and expertise of the leading specialist in adult education Olga Agapova from Russia manifested itself in the course of activities. The part of the workshop on signs of the time aroused particular interest among participants. During this workshop we got to know that common things associated with a person were distinctive “monuments to history” and could be a material sign of the era.
Participants from Kyrgyzstan also became very interested in the joint work by Mikhail Rozhansky (Irkutsk) with the group from Uzbekistan on “local history”. It will be great if in Kyrgyzstan in the future there will be similar joint activities under the project “History and Identity” for a group of motivated people including various members: mass media representatives, staff of museums, scientists, specialists in tourism, teachers, etc.
On behalf of all the participants I would like to express my gratitude to the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association dvv international for organization of such an informative and useful meeting. Moreover, it has united people sharing the same ideas from different countries, people committed to preserving history and passing on their experience to succeeding generations and interested in reviving and preserving cultural values of their nations. The meeting on the shore of Issyk Kul called all the participants for good deeds and preserving national values.
Activities of the IVth Summer Academy helped once again to realize the essence and role of a person for himself, his family, space, time and Earth. The participants of the international Summer Academy emphasized importance of further cooperation, interaction and interrelations for successful use of the oral history method under the project “History and Identity”. Program of the Academy was highly informative and interesting, and the participants obtained a lot of theoretical and practical information and could share experience in informal settings. The Summer Academy made a major contribution to further development of historic projects in Kyrgyzstan – the participants gained information, experience and generated new ideas …
During the Summer Academy, our sessions were based on building tolerance and understanding intercultural heritage of mankind. This is the only way to educate a person able to face the future and create the world for understanding and respect in a rapidly changing environment.
Ilmira Shermatova,
Trainer, Naryn Center for Development and Education
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